Walk Away From Corruption

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) organised a walkathon yesterday morning in conjunction with International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) at the National Stadium in Berakas. It was presented by the event's guest of honour, Dato Paduka Hj Omar Hj Abd Rahman, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

Also in attendance were the Attorney General Datin Paduka Hjh Hayati POKSDSP Hj Md Salleh, Acting Police Commissioner Pehin Dato Paduka Hj Hasrin Dato Paduka Hj Sabtu, ACB's Acting Director Tuan Ang Swee Kiang, Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries at the Prime Minister's Office, Head and Deputy Head of Government Departments, senior officers, as well as participants from the public and private sectors that included representatives from financial institutions and the chambers of commerce.
The programme began with a warm-up aerobics session led by RBPF's Corporal Mohd Shukri and then the guest of honour officiated the 5km walk for the men's category while Datin Hjh Hayati officiated the women's category (3km walk).

Temporary Closed Business Hour Notice

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hirah 1432H

Best Student Awarded from Insurans Islam TAIB

Insurans Islam TAIB awarded best student from various school in Brunei:

  • Bakti Dewa School, 
  • Al-Falaah School
  • Batang Mitus Primary Eduction School.

Managing Director, Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair was made the Guest of Honour from Bakti Dewa School and Batang Mitus Primary Education School. The speech was about "Coping up with changes in Education for the 21st Century".

29th November, 2010.  Best student from Batang Mitus Primary Education awarded.

Road Safety TIPS

Periksa Kenderaan Awda
  • Pastikan kenderaan awda dalam keadaaan baik dan selamat sebelum dipandu.
  • Periksa semua lampu-lampu isyarat depan dan belakang.
  • Pastikan lessen kenderaan dan insuran kenderaan tidak mansuh.
  • Pastikan alat-alat mekanikal kenderaan seperti brek kaki/tangan dalam keadaan memuaskan.
Sebelum memulakan perjalanan
  • Rancang perjalanan awda, ia satu usaha yang amat bijak dan berharga
  • Pastikan kesihatan awda terjamin
  • Jangan minum minuman keras atau mengambil ubat yang mengakibatkan mengantuk.
  • Pasang tali keledar.
Dalam Perjalanan
  • Tenangkan fikiran awda ketika memandu.
  • Patuhi undang-undang dan peraturan jalan raya.
  • Memandu mengikut had jalan raya yang telah ditetapkan.
  • Jangan mengekori kenderaan terlalu dekat.
  • Bertolak ansur sesame pengguna di jalan raya.
  • Berat mata dan pedih mata.
  • Lambat bertindak.
  • Letih seluruh badan.
  • Bertambah kelajuan atau berkurangan kelajuan.
  • Berangan-angan.
  • Memandu dalam keadaan mengantuk atau tertidur adalah merbahaya, pemandu boleh hilang pengamatanya dan sekelip mata boleh mengakibatkan tragedi yang tidak di ingini berlaku.

Act Fast before Stroke Strikes

Fixing Your Aching Back and Neck

14 Best Student Awarded for Seri Mulia Sarjana School

Sunday, 21st November 2010.  Insurans Islam TAIB Managing Director, Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair presented 14 top student for all subjects during their convocation ceremony held at Bridex, Jerudong.

Understanding and Guarding Against LUNG CANCER


Muslimin yang dirahmati Allah,

MARILAH kita meningkatkan ketakwaan kita kepada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala dengan penuh keyakinan dan keikhlasan dengan melakukan segala suruhan-Nya dan meninggalkan segala larangan-Nya. Mudah-mudahan kita menjadi insan yang bertakwa dan beriman serta selamat di dunia dan selamat di akhirat.

Muslimin yang dirahmati Allah,

Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala menciptakan manusia hidup di atas muka bumi ini adalah semata-mata untuk beribadah kepadanya dengan penuh keimanan dan ketakwaan. Sesungguhnya Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala tidak mengharapkan sesuatu daripada apa yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Perkara ini jelas dinyatakan di dalam surah Azariat ayat 56-58 tafsirnya:

"Dan ingatlah aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk menyembah dan beribadah kepada Ku, Aku tidak sekali-kali menghendaki sebarang rezeki pemberian daripada mereka dan Aku tidak menghendaki supaya mereka memberi makan kepada Ku. Sesungguhnya Allah Dia-lah sahaja yang memberi rezeki kepada sekalian makhluk dan Dia-Lah sahaja yang mempunyai kekuasaan yang tidak terhingga, lagi yang Maha kuat kukuh kekuasaan-Nya".
Pengertian ibadah itu sebenarnya amat luas, bukan hanya khusus terhadap ibadah sembahyang, puasa, zakat dan haji sahaja, akan tetapi ibadah itu merangkumi segala amal perbuatan yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan ini, termasuklah juga dalam usaha kita mencari rezeki melalui pelbagai pekerjaan untuk menyara kehidupan sama ada dalam bidang pendidikan, perniagaan, pengurusan dan semua bidang pekerjaan dengan syarat semuanya itu disertakan dengan niat yang ikhlas semata-mata untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Firman Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala dalam surah Al-Qasas ayat 77 tafsirnya:

"Dan tuntutlah dengan harta kekayaan yang telah dikurniakan Allah kepadamu akan pahala dan kebaikan hari akhirat dan jangan lah engkau melupakan bahafianmu (keperluan dan bekalanmu) dari dunia".
Muslimin yang dirahmati Allah,


Saudara-saudara umat Islam sekalian,

AIDILADHA atau hari Hari Raya Haji adalah salah satu di antara hari-hari yang besar dalam Islam yang mesti dibesarkan menurut selayaknya dengan bertakbir, bersembahyang sunat hari raya dan menyembelih binatang korban.

Memperkatakan tentang ibadah korban pula, sebenarnya ibadah korban itu mendidik umat Islam supaya bersifat dermawan dan murah hati, kerana semua nikmat yang ada pada hakikatnya adalah pinjaman dan amanah Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, yang kelak pasti akan diambilnya satu persatu, maka segala nikmat yang ada pada diri kita hendaklah dimafaatkan dengan sebaiknya.

Oleh itu bagi mereka yang mampu, lakukanlah penyembelihan korban pada setiap tahun, yang daging dijadikan sedekah kepada fakir miskin dan boleh dijadikan hadiah kepada orang-orang yang mampu seperti jiran tetangga serta rakan taulan yang beragama Islam.

Pada kelazimannya, pihak yang berkorban akan mencari dan menjemput mereka yang berhak menerima daging-daging korban, dan bukannya para penerima yang meminta-minta. Keadaan beginilah yang amat terpuji kerana seperti yang kita sedia maklum bahawa agama Islam melarang umatnya dari perbuatan meminta-minta. Walaupun seseorang itu ditakdirkan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala untuk menjadi seorang miskin atau fakir, namun mereka tetap tidak digalakkan untuk meminta-minta. Ini berdasarkan kepada sabda Rasulullah Sallahu Alahi Wasalam maksudnya:

"Dari Abi Hurairah Radiaallahu Anhu, bahawa Rasulullah Sallahu Alaihi Wasalam bersabda: Orang fakir miskin bukanlah orang yang menadah tangan meminta-minta kesana kemari kepada orang ramai, yang apabila ia mendapat sesuap atau dua suap makanan, atau mendapat sebiji atau dua biji buah kurma, ia akan pergi ke tempat lain. Akan tetapi fakir miskin itu ialah orang yang tidak mempunyai sesuatu yang mencukupi bagi menyara hidupnya. Dan orang ramai pula tidak mengetahui keadaan penderitaan untuk diberi bantuan dan ia pula malu hendak meminta-minta bantuan kepada orang ramai". (Riwayat Al-Imam Bukhari)
Muslimin yang dirahmati Allah,

Salam Eid al-Adha

32nd Convocation Ceremony and Education of Nusa Laila Puteri School

13th November 2010, Nusa Laila Puteri school held a convocation at the Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa (ICC).  The event opening ceremony was given a speech by the Guest of Honour, Tuan yang Terutama, Bapak Handriyo Kusumo Priyo.

Insurans Islam TAIB Managing Director, Awg Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair presented a certificate for the six best student varied across from Nusa Laila Puteri School branch.  The award was also inclusive with simanja account worth $100.00 sponsored by Insurans Islam TAIB.

Beribi Counter Temporarily Closed

Dear Valued Customer,
We regret to inform that our Beribi Counter at TAIB Beribi Gas Station is temporarily closed until further notice.  Customers that wish to do transaction are advise to visit any of our nearest counter at the following alternative location:

Lambak Counter Temporarily Closed

Dear Valued Customer,
We regret to inform that our Lambak Counter at Unit 18, First Floor, Complex Awang Hj Ibrahim is temporarily closed until further notice.  Customers that wish to do transaction are advise to visit any of our nearest counter at the following alternative location:


Zulkaedah adalah bulan kesebelas dalam taqwim Hijrah. Zulkaedah ertinya tempat duduk.

Peristiwa-peristiwa bersejarah yang berhubungkait dengan ibadat haji dan umrah berlaku dalam bulan ini, iaitu pada tahun ke 7 Hijriah, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam telah memimpin umat Islam menuju ke Mekah untuk mengerjakan umrah yang pertama.

Amalan-amalan sunat di bulan Zulkaedah adalah sama seperti amalan-amalan sunat di bulan-bulan lain. Tiada amalan-amalan istimewa yang khas untuk bulan Zulkaedah yang menjadi amalan Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ataupun para sahabat mahupun salafus-soleh. Kita dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan amalan-amalan baik dari hari ke hari tanpa mengira apa jua bulan dalam taqwim. Tingkatkan mutu amalan-amalan fardhu dan tambah amalan-amalan sunat pada setiap masa seperti yang disarankan oleh Islam tidak kira di dalam bulan mana sekalipun.

Yang penting adalah niat yang disertakan keikhlasan.

Seasonal flu

Key symptom: Fever that comes on fast

Best fix: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen

If your fever hits 101°F or 102°F and comes with chest discomfort plus major aches and exhaustion, it’s probably the seasonal flu, says Neil Schachter MD, author of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds and Flu. Take pain pills for fever and aches, rest, and drink lots of liquids. Those at high risk—pregnant, elderly, or chronically ill—may need antiviral meds such as Tamiflu or Relenza.

Apakah Stres?

Heartiest Congratulation to Yang Mulia Awang Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair

20 Areas Hit By Flash Floods

Bandar Seri Begawan - A sudden cloud burst Saturday night, which was relatively big compared to other heavy downpours in October, left at least 20 areas in the country to experience flash floods and was compounded by a surge in tide level, the Drainage Section of the Public Works Department (PWD) said.
In the Brunei-Muara District, flash floods occurred in Kg Menglait, road in front of Serusop shopping complex, Jln Manggis 1, Spg 160, Spg 261, Spg 394 in Jln Berakas, Spg 396 and Spg 714 in Jln Jerudong, Spg 382 and Spg 422 in Jln Subok, Spg 510 in Kg Belimbing, Kg Tanjung Bunut near Spg 53, Spg 127344 in Tanjong Bunut and in Jln Tanjong Nangka.

Family Takaful Plan

Family Takaful Plan (PTK) offers takaful coverage and saving if you plan to accumulate fund systematically for future needs, for instance as retirement fund or as a will to next of kin, should untimely death or permanent total disability occurs.


  • Assist you in planning systematically your saving for future needs
  • Provide Takaful Cover should untimely death and permanent total disability occurs
  • Participant shall receive all of his / her saving which had been credited to his/her Participant Account during participation with the share of profit from investment, if any.

Bandar Seri Begawan 40th Celebration Expo

Out of the ordinary discounts for Takaful Products will be offered ranging from Family Takaful Product to General Takaful such as Motor Car Comprehensive, Motor Cycle Comprehensive, Fire Takaful, Domestic Helper Takaful (PTA), Credit Card Takaful, Mortgage Takaful, Houseowner / House Holder and many more…. 

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin

Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Arab: عيد الفطر‎; 'Ayd al-Fiṭr; "perayaan fitrah") disambut pada 1 Syawal tahun Hijrah. Perayaan tersebut juga dikenali sebagai Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Fitrah, dan Hari Lebaran. Hari Raya Aidilfitri merupakan perayaan yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia tidak kira bangsa sama ada Melayu,India-Muslim dan lain-lain bangsa di seluruh dunia yang beragama Islam bagi menandakan berakhirnya bulan Ramadhan yang mana umat Islam telah menjalani ibadat puasa dengan tekun. Ia merupakan antara dua perayaan terbesar bagi umat Islam, selain Hari Raya Korban.

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl, Feena & Syimah

The joys you are about to experience will warm your heart. Bless you all
Syimah's Daughter
Feena's Daughter

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1 Ramadhan 1431

A blessed month is casting its shadow upon us
A night of this month is better than a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahman
It's a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.

Group Personal Accident Takaful Scheme for Students


  • To insure all day coverage to students
  • Benefits to students or parents as a result of accident

Scope of Cover


  • Any school activities
  • In any form of transportation whether as driver or passenger
  • Drowning, lethal gas, food poisoning and poisonous stings
  • Civil unrest and riots

Takaful Benefits









Death due to accident 







Permanent Total Disablement as a result of accident 







  • Death occurred as a result of accident or illness







CASH ALLOWANCE for each days being admitted in the government hospital as a result of accident, up to a maximum of 30 days in continuance commencing from the date of accident 







MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EXPENSES as a result to accident or injuries and listed illnesses 








  • 24 hours a day

  • One year coverage
  • For students being transferred to another school, the coverage would still be valid provided it is being informed.
  • Coverage will be ceased once the student is expelled

Geographical Area

  • Worldwide

Group Personal Accident Takaful Scheme for Students Conference Held

19th - 20th July, 2010.  Insurans Islam TAIB held talks at Maktab Kejuruteraan Jefri Bolkiah and Sekolah Menengah Puteri Masna about the importance of takaful coverage for students. We were warmly greeted by the lecturers from both institution and gratefully appreciate their support for this opportunity to introduce this scheme to their students. 

Photo's from Sekolah Menengah Puteri Masna

Consumer Fair Part 6

Stopover at Insurans Islam TAIB booth B62-64 (Bridex Hall),  We will be open from 29th July until 1st August.

M.O.A. Between RBAF & Insurans Islam TAIB

BOLKIAH GARRISON, Friday 25 June 2010 - A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and Insurans Islam TAIB Sdn Bhd at the Officers’ Mess Bolkiah Garrison. The Guest of Honour at ceremony was Yang Mulia Colonel (Rtd) Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Azmansham bin Pengiran Haji Mohamad, Deputy Permanent Secretary I, Ministry of Defence.

Contractor Takaful Package

Maximise Protection For Your Business Risks

Sinar Takaful Plan

Kad Utama

Motor Vehicle Takaful Scheme

  • Comprehensive coverage for vehicles and the owner
  • To fulfill the requirement of the Land Transport Act
Scope of Cover
  • Comprehensive
  • Third Party
Additional Benefits 
  • Personal Accident Coverage of B$10,000  in the event of death
  •  Car Towing Services

Notis Pemberitahuan Wang Pulangan AL-Mudharabah yang tidak Dituntut

Dengan hormatnya sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa terdapat sebilangan besar peserta-peserta yang pernah menyertai skim-skim takaful am dan keluarga di Insurans Islam TAIB (IIT) masih belum menuntut pulangan Al-Mudharabah mereka. Sehugungan dengan itu pihak IIT menyeru kepada nama-nama atau syarikat-syarikat yang diiklankan supaya akan dapat menuntut pulangan Al-Mudharabah masing–masing.

Notice of Un-Claimed Al-Mudharabah Returns

We observed that a considerable number of participants have not claimed their Al-Mudarabah returns.  We hereby advices the individuals and corporate bodies advertised herewith to claim their Al-Mudharabah Returns accordingly.

5th International Halal Expo 2010

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam officiated at the opening of the fifth edition of the International Halal Products Expo (IHPE) 2010, continuing national efforts to establish Brunei as a regional halal hub.

The World Cup is not the only trophy awarded this summer!!

"Cast your vote for Insurans Islam TAIB to be the Best Takaful in the World......."

Click the image below to cast your vote:

Incomparable Gem of the Finest Water WON at the Bowling Tournament

15th May 2010, Emerald is also derived as برق barq "lightning" in Arabic and became champion of all time with a score of 3,132 pinfalls and won the Insurance Islam Taib annual bowling tournament at Utama Bowling Centre. 

Photo shows Emerald team captain receiving the ultimate prize thus the team still awaits their victory celebration dinner.


One of the player below was an ex-champion Bowling Team :D The ladies individual highest score went to Haslia with a total score of 192.

IIT @ International Halal Products Expo

Stopover at Insurans Islam TAIB booth B1-3 (Plenary Hall, just on the right-side of the main entrance), We will be open from 10.00 a.m until 8.00 p.m. Out of the ordinary discounts for Takaful Products will be offered, ranging from Motor Car Comprehensive, Motor Cycle Comprehensive, Fire Takaful, Domestic Helper Takaful (PTA), Credit Card Takaful, Mortgage Takaful, Houseowner / House Holder and many more….

Insurans Islam TAIB Head Office is under Renovation

Insurans Islam TAIB at Tel Bru 4 U Bazaar Amphitheatre


In conjunction with TelBru’s 4th year anniversary, Insurans Islam TAIB will be participating TelBru 4 U Bazaar 2 days event at the Jerudong Park Amphitheatre.

Insurans Islam TAIB Supporting an International Academic Event


(Kiulap, Bandar Seri Begawan) - Insurans Islam TAIB Sdn Bhd (IIT) in its bid to support academic events as part of their active community involvement and contribution, is donating amongst others, 550 colourful conference bags to the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE) for their forthcoming 15th International Conference on Education (ICE). The gathering of international academicians and professionals with wide-ranging educational backgrounds and specializations will commence between 24th until 27th of May 2010 at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Insurans Islam TAIB BSB Branch Relocation


Insurans Islam TAIB sponsors Setia Motors Sdn Bhd

SETIA Motors kicked off its series of events and promotions for 2010 with a promotion being held in conjunction with 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, of which Hyundai is an official partner.

TAIB Annual Dinner 2010

20th March 2010, Perbadanan TAIB and it's subsidiaries Insurans Islam TAIB Sdn Bhd and Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd held their 18th Annual Dinner 2010 at The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Grand Hall.  


Insurans Islam TAIB is proud to sponsor the 5th Asian Takaful Conference in Singapore. The conference was held on the 9th and 10th March 2010 and was organised by the Asia Insurance Review with its sister publication MiddleEast Insurance Review. Novotel Clarke Quay Hotel Singapore was chosen as the venue for the conference.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Reality Check on Growth and Promise of Takaful as a Dynamic Force”. The two days conference discussed and acknowledged on how Takaful operators around the world are measuring up and how successful they have been in providing a comprehensive range of islamic insurance products and services while keeping the Shariah chain complete including the use of Retakaful.

The conference was kicked off with an opening welcome address by Mr Tai Boon Leong, Executive Director, Managing Director’s office, Monetary Authority of Singapore. The conference was attended by around 150 delegates from Bahrain, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America and Negara Brunei Darussalam. It was made to understand that this year’s conference is the second largest number of delegates since its inaugural conference five years ago. The attendees profile include representatives from Takaful companies, Life and General insurance companies, Retakaful companies, Regulators, Islamic banking and Financial Institutions players, Shariah scholars, Management Consultants and other service providers of the Takaful industry.

Insurans Islam TAIB was represented by seven number of delegates, including two speakers at the conference. They were:
1. Tuan Haji Mohd Alipah bin Hj Awg Murah – Member of Board of Directors
2. Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair – Managing Director
3. Hjh Sabariah binti Hj Hassan – Head of Syariah, Perbadanan TAIB
4. Dk Noraini binti Pg Hj Sablon – Senior Manager, Business Operation
5. Hjh Rozana binti Hj Maidin – Senior Executive Officer, Bancatakaful
6. Hj Mohd Faizal bin Hj Wahab – Executive Officer, Business Risks and Retakaful
7. Hj Ehwana bin Hj Yahya – Senior Manager, Product & Business Development

In this year’s conference Hj Ehwana bin Hj Yahya had delivered a paper entitled “ Assessing Marketing and Distribution Strategies in Takaful – The Brunei Experience”. In his paper Hj Ehwana shared with the audiences on the success stories of Brunei’s Takaful market with the particular focus on the marketing and distribution strategies. Hj Ehwana also touched on several issues and challenges in the takaful market with regards to regulatory and consumer behaviours in the future time ahead.

The organiser of the conference had also invited Hj Osman bin Hj Md Jair to become a panellists in the roundtable discussion session. The topic of discussion is “ Actual Takaful and Retakaful Practices in the Market”. He was joined by the CEO of Takaful Re (Dubai), the CEO of MNRB Retakaful (Malaysia) and the Head of Swiss Re Retakaful in the discussions.

Insurans Islam TAIB’s objective to sponsor the most anticipated takaful and retakaful players forum in the region is to promote Insurans Islam TAIB brand in particular and Negara Brunei Darussalam in general to the regional and international players. And it is also intended to promote Insurans Islam TAIB as the first local financial institution in Negara Brunei Darussalam to be assigned with “BBB+” ratings by Fitch Ratings, a global and reputable rating agency.

Happy Chinese New Year 2010

ChineseNewYear2.gifThe Chinese use the lunar calendar for celebratory events which includes the New Year. This falls somewhere between late January and early February. The cycle of twelve animal signs originates from Chinese tradition as a way of naming the years. The animals follow one another in an established order and are replicated every twelve years. The rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig are the twelve animal signs. Every animal has particular characteristics and people born in a specific year are believed to take on these characteristics.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2010 is the Year of the Tiger, which commences on February 14, 2010 and ends on February 2, 2011. The Tiger is the third sign in the Chinese Zodiac cycle, and it is a sign of bravery. This courageous and fiery fighter is admired by the ancient Chinese as the sign that keeps away the three main tragedies of a household. These are fire, thieves and ghosts.

1264729132006.gifTigers are physically powerful, gracious, independent and brave, they are extremely bold animals. They are friendly and loving but can also selfish and short tempered. Tigers seek attention and power; frequently they are envious in a relation. Tigers live dangerously which often leads to trouble. They are intolerant, take risks and are always searching for excitement. Tigers are also instilled with a good dose of courage.

The Tiger has an overpowering attraction and is very kind and always takes on the character as protector. The Tiger flourishes by power and attention and takes advantage of all circumstances it gets itself into. The Tiger is a natural leader and loves to be the centre of attention. As a rebel it goes up against authority and speaks out about wrongs in society, and willingly puts up objections. Even if you don’t agree with the beliefs of the tiger you admire his way to protest.

Just as how their counterparts in the jungle are impulsive, so too are individuals born in the Chinese Year of the Tiger. When people think of tigers, it is their vigor and power that comes to mind first. But it has also been noted that tigers are known to share and are unselfish animals. The reason people admire the tiger is due to the fact that they are ferocious and domineering on the outside, but they are just as noble and distinguished on the inside. These are the same personality attributes that persons will have who are born in the Year of the Tiger.

People that are born in the Year of the Tiger are generally well liked because of their charismatic personalities. Often, failing at a given duty or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a deep sense of depression.A Tiger is always at their happiest when they endeavor to climb the ladder of success. Attaining the top spot is his foremost purpose; being in a position of power is her ultimate goal. They are quick learners, need to be challenged and often prefer to work alone. Some Tigers tend to change careers more frequently because they get bored quite easily. They are natural born leaders and perform at their best if working towards positions of power and influence. So once there is no further room for progression, they will often move on to something else.

Anyone that is born in the Year of the Tiger is usually straightforward and outgoing by nature. They will never give up no matter how aggravated they may become. But, they are also full of suspicion and at times will take hasty action. Never lose sight of the fact that Tigers are smart and instinctive.

People born in the Year of the Tiger always take pride in being different from others, and normally demonstrate their originality best in their homes. Their homes are typically filled with exotic possessions. It is no surprise that one of the Tiger’s favorite gemstones is the cat’s eye, but tigers also love the sparkle of rubies and diamonds. They like to spend money, and also to share it. They can be very impulsive spenders because they know they can at all times make more.

t.gifThe Year of the Tiger is the third year in the cycle of “Heavenly Branches”. Customarily, it is called “Yin”. Those born in the Year of the Tiger are compatible with the horse, dog, and dragons. The year 2010 is another Year of the Tiger. It is the ji-chou year. Jji is the sixth of the Ten Celestial Stems and yin is the third of the Twelve Terrestrial Branches and marks the Year of the Tiger.

Were you born during a Year of the Tiger?
You were if you were born in one of these years:
1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998.

Time Goes By Like The Wind - CF5, ICC.

Insurans Islam TAIB had taken part in the Consumer Fair Part 5 to welcome new and existing customers with an attractive discount.  Customers had also been given the opportunity to rate our General Motor Takaful Product during the fair via survey form to provide more quality services to our fine customers.  
The fair features 312 booths from 163 companies, with more than 80 booths set up by foreign companies.  A winter wonderland was also set up for visitors to view sculptures and other displays with a northern hemisphere winter theme.
The fair was another memorable moments for Insurans Islam TAIB and it’s customers.  What's more will be another chapter for IIT marketers to unite with another organised fair soon.  On behalf of IIT Marketing Department, I would like to appreciate all the staff involved during the fair with their sincerity and dedicated hard work.