General Takaful Business

GENERAL TAKAFUL provides coverage in the event of catastrophe, disaster or misfortune that results in the loss or damage to the policyholders' properties or belongings.

General Takaful Business

General Takaful Business offers coverage catering to individuals, companies, associations and organisations insuring policyholders' peace of mind in the face of catastrophe, disaster and any accident inflicted upon properties, assets or other mandated possessions of the participants.

By God's Will, through these General Takaful Schemes offered and managed by IITSB, the people can now make preparations for the provision of ready access to much needed financial aid in the unfortunate occurance of difficult times.

General Takaful Schemes are renewable on a year-to-year basis.

In relation to this, all the participants agree to give their takaful contributions as tabarru' or donations which will then be pooled into the General Takaful Fund. From the Fund, through the concept of Takaful, compensation will be paid to any participants who suffer losses and damages to their properties which are being covered.

The amount of contribution to be paid by any participants who choose to participate in any of the variety of schemes of General Takaful depends on and is proportional to the appropriate Takaful rates and the value of properties being covered.