Contractor All Risk Takaful Scheme
The scheme covers the contract works over a predetermined space called "The Work Site". The cover is divided into two sections:
Section 1
- Contract Works
- Construction Plant and Equipment
- Others such as Removal of Debris, Professional Fees
Section 2
Perils Covered:
- Natural:
- Fire
- Lightning
- Water Damage
- Flood
- Storm and Tempest Subsidence
- Landslide
- Cyclone
- Hurricane
- Earthquake
- Volcanic eruption
- Social:
- Burglary or Theft & Malicious Damage
- Chemical:
- Explosion
- Heating
- Fermentation
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Miscellaneous:
- Impact & Aircraft Damage.
Al-Mudharabah (Profit Returns)
This scheme is based on the principles of Al-Tabarru' (Donation) and Al-Mudharabah (profit Sharing), Participants under this scheme shall receive Al-Mudharabah from the surplus fund on condition that the participants have not incurred any claims and / or received any benefits under the certificate whilst it is in force.
Fire Takaful Scheme
The scheme cover the contract works for loss or damage to arising from:-
Public Liability Takaful Scheme
The scheme cover contractors against his legal laibility to pay compensation for accidental bodily injury to or accidental damage to the property of members of the public caused by or through the negligence of the contractor or his employees.
Workmen Compensation Takaful Scheme
The scheme will compensate the workers in the event of accidents or diseases occurring during working hours only. Benefit payable is as per Brunei Darussalam's Workmen Compensation
Labour Act.
Commercial Vehicles Takaful Scheme
The scheme offers coverage and protection for motor vehicle in theevent of an accident, damage to the vehicle and to third party property and bodily injury.
This scheme is based on the principles of Al-Tabarru' (Donation) and Al-Mudharabah (profit Sharing), Participants under this scheme shall receive Al-Mudharabah from the surplus fund on condition that the participants have not incurred any claims and / or received any benefits under the certificate whilst it is in force.
Professional Indemnity Takaful Scheme
To indemnify the participant against legal liability including cost and expenses in the defense or settlement of breach of professional duty claim or alleged to have committed on the part of the participant.

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